avoid conflicts 意味

  • 摩擦を避ける


  1. some people say that the koban has a role as a security treaty to avoid conflicts between families .
  2. in order to evade such conflicts , various decrees were issued , beside that people donated the ship to a shrine or temple intending to avoid conflicts among them and obtain religious benefits at the same time .


        avoid conflicts of interest:    利害{りがい}の衝突{しょうとつ}を避ける
        avoid conflicts with members of the group:    集団内の対立を回避する
        avoid involvement in conflicts between other powers:    他国の紛争に巻き込まれるのを回避する
        adjust one's plans to avoid conflicts with one's children's schedule:    子どもたちの予定{よてい}とぶつからないように自分{じぶん}の仕事{しごと}を調節{ちょうせつ}する
        avoid:     avoid v. 避ける. 【副詞1】 I barely avoided a tree . もうちょっとで木に車をぶつけるところだった Sprays containing this substance are better avoided. この物質を含むスプレーは避けるがよい She carefully avoided replying to that
        to avoid:    to avoid 斎む いむ 躱す かわす 避く さく 交す 交わす かわす 免れる まぬかれる まぬがれる
        adjust conflicts:    紛争{ふんそう}を解決{かいけつ}する
        balkan conflicts:    バルカン紛争{ふんそう}
        bloody conflicts in:    ~での流血{りゅうけつ}の抗争{こうそう}
        breed conflicts:    紛争{ふんそう}を生み出す[の原因{げんいん}となる]
        check for conflicts:    {名} : 矛盾{むじゅん}(の有無{うむ}の)チェック、矛盾検査{むじゅん けんさ} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {動} : 矛盾{むじゅん}の有無{うむ}をチェック[検査{けんさ}]する
        conflicts of interest:    利害{りがい}の対立{たいりつ}
        ease the conflicts in:    ~での紛争{ふんそう}を緩和{かんわ}する
        exacerbate conflicts:    紛争{ふんそう}を激化{げきか}させる
        incessant conflicts:    絶え間ない紛争{ふんそう}


  1. "avoid concern and confusion among depositors" 意味
  2. "avoid conflict" 意味
  3. "avoid conflict in communicating" 意味
  4. "avoid conflict with one's business associates" 意味
  5. "avoid conflict with one's friends" 意味
  6. "avoid conflicts of interest" 意味
  7. "avoid conflicts with members of the group" 意味
  8. "avoid confrontations" 意味
  9. "avoid confusion and needless paperwork" 意味
  10. "avoid conflict with one's business associates" 意味
  11. "avoid conflict with one's friends" 意味
  12. "avoid conflicts of interest" 意味
  13. "avoid conflicts with members of the group" 意味

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